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Connecticut College

Connecticut College

New London, CT 06320

On-Campus Scholarship Deadline

No On-campus Scholarship deadline

On-Campus Fellowship Deadline

No On-Campus Fellowship deadline


Boren Scholarship Advisor
Boren Fellowship Advisor
Melissa Ryan
Director, Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement & International Fellowship Advisor

Blaustein Humanities Center
270 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320
United States

Boren Scholarship Advisor
Boren Fellowship Advisor
Shirley Parson
Director of Study Away
(860) 439-5390

270 Mohegan Avenue
Office Of National & Intl. Programs
New London, CT 06320
United States

Boren Scholarship Advisor
Boren Fellowship Advisor
Dr. Laura Little
Director of the Global Learning Lab, Walter Commons for Global Study and Engagement

270 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320
United States