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Official Selection Criteria

The official selection criteria for the Boren Scholarships and Boren Fellowships are listed below, along with statements on consideration of veterans of the U.S. military and non-discrimination.

Applications will be evaluated on these criteria by IIE-organized regional review panels and the national nominating panel. The panels consist of faculty members and administrators representing a wide array of fields of study from colleges and universities from across the United States. The regional panels will make initial recommendations, and the national nominating panel will designate scholarship finalists to the National Security Education Program office.


Boren Scholarships Selection Criteria

Boren Fellowships Selection Criteria

Veteran Preference

Non-Discrimination Statement

Boren Scholarships Selection Criteria

  1. Does the applicant provide a clear and compelling explanation of the relevance of their country, language, field of study, and overseas study toÌýU.S. national security? The applicant should make a specific, detailed, and focused argument specific to their academic interests and professional goals.
  2. In exchange forÌýfunding, Ãå±±½ûµØ recipients commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a longer term commitment to government service. Does the applicant describe how they might fulfill the service requirement, and does the applicant demonstrate a longer term commitment to the federal government?ÌýDoes the applicant explain how the country and language selected will help them achieve their career goals? Consider the leadership potential the applicant would bring to the federal government.
  3. Does the applicant possess the appropriate academic preparation, cultural adaptability, flexibility, and maturity required to succeed abroad? Consider a proven or steadily improving academic record, on- or off-campus evidence of cultural adaptability and maturity, and other factors that warrant comment.
  4. Does the applicant demonstrate a serious commitment to language study, before, during, and after their overseas study? Does the applicant have realistic expectations for the proficiency level that can be obtained abroad, and is the applicant in the right overseas program to support these expectations? The Boren Scholarships preferÌýlong-term (over 25 weeks) overseas study for non-STEM majors. If the applicant cannot study abroad for at least 25 weeks, do they make a compelling case for shorter study abroad?
  5. Has the applicant proposed a study plan in a country and language preferred by the Ãå±±½ûµØ? Is the applicant's major field of study preferred by the Ãå±±½ûµØ?
    1. Country
    2. Language
    3. Fields of Study

If the applicant is proposing a country, language, or field of study not on the preferred lists, have they made a compelling argument for Ãå±±½ûµØ funding on the basis of U.S. national security?

Boren Fellowships Selection Criteria

  1. Does the applicant provide a clear and compelling explanation of the relevance of their country, language, field of study, and overseas study toÌýU.S. national security? TheÌýapplicant should make a specific, detailed, and focused argument specific to their academic interests and professional goals.
  2. In exchange forÌýfunding, Ãå±±½ûµØ recipients commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a longer termÌýcommitment to government service. Does the applicant describe how they might fulfill the service requirement, and does the applicant demonstrate a longer term commitment to the federal government?ÌýDoes the applicant explain how the country and language selected will help them achieve their career goals? Consider the leadership potential the applicant would bring to the federal government.
  3. Does the applicant possess the appropriate academic preparation, cultural adaptability, flexibility, and maturity required to succeed abroad? Consider a proven or steadily improving academic record, on- or off-campus evidence of cultural adaptability and maturity, and other factors that warrant comment.
  4. If proposing research in addition to language study, does the applicant have a comprehensive, clear, and feasible study plan?
  5. Does the applicant demonstrate a serious commitment to language study, before, during, and after their overseas study? Does the applicant have realistic expectations for the proficiency level that can be obtained abroad, and is the applicant in the right overseas program to support these expectations? The Boren Fellowships preferÌýlong-term (over 25 weeks) overseas study.ÌýIf the applicant cannot study abroad for at least 25 weeks, do they make a compelling case for shorter study abroad?
  6. Has the applicant proposed a study plan in a country and language preferred by the Ãå±±½ûµØ? Is the applicant's major field of study preferred by the Ãå±±½ûµØ?
    1. Country
    2. Language
    3. Fields of Study

​If the applicant is proposing a country, language, or field of study not on the preferred lists, have they made a compelling argument for Ãå±±½ûµØ funding on the basis of U.S. national security?

Veteran Preference

Veterans of the U.S. armed forces have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service and have a unique perspective on national security issues. They are encouraged to apply for Ãå±±½ûµØ, and selection preference will be given to veterans when other factors are equivalent.

Non-Discrimination Statement

The National Security Education Program (NSEP) awards described on this website are subject to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which provide that no citizen of the United States may, on the grounds of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.